My 7-year-old son gets plenty schoolwork during lockdown. I sit next to him and do my work. The other day he looked at my work (I was drawing a picture of fluffy wooly socks), and said, ‘It’s not fair.’
So we exchanged work. He started drawing (he is a really good drawer), and I had a look at his work. I encountered a word ‘fronted adverbials.’ I didn’t know what it means. I asked my husband. He didn’t know either. He is English by the way.
I wouldn’t have thought homeschooling the 7-year-old would be this tricky. The bright side is, I’ve been learning a lot through his schoolwork during lockdown and I feel a bit smarter than before.
To record what it’s like to be at home during lockdown with young children, I’m documenting my everyday family life with cartoons.
Here is today’s cartoon.
![Artist and children’s author Noriko Matsubara documents her family's experience during COVID-19 lockdown with relatable cartoons.](
Noriko’s picture books are available here or on Amazon.